God uses the « littles ones »

God uses the « littles ones »

God uses the « littles ones »

Elitism is a major obstacle to advance God's Kingdom. It consists in believing that God only uses the great men of God, the anointed ones, the famous pastors or those of great faith. But if you are born again, you are a man or woman of God because the Holy Spirit now dwells in you. God uses the "little ones", the anonymous ones who are known to Him!

Your past does not disqualify you from serving God

Dear friends, through this plan I will free you from the lies that keep you from serving God effectively.

Let's start with the first lie: 

"I am not worthy to serve God because of my past..." 

This is the truth:

You are worthy because of Jesus in you. Although you are only a jar of clay, you carry a treasure.

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." (2 Corinthians 4:7)

I invite you to read the story of the Samaritan woman in John chapter 4.This woman lived in shame, hiding from her neighbors to fetch water. After meeting Jesus, she evangelized the entire city. They recognized that it was the woman who brought them to Jesus, so many turned to him. When you testify, what's important is not your old life, but what Jesus has done with it!

I invite you to say this prayer:

Lord, thank you for saving me. Thank you for washing me and taking away my sins. Thank you because I am a brand new creation in you and you are my holiness. Thank you for bringing me from darkness to light and making me a witness of the Good News. Here I am, I want to witness of you. 

In Jesus' name, amen.


I am a child of God, I am a saint because of Jesus. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to be a witness for Jesus Christ. I am an ambassador for Christ.

Your circumstances cannot stop God from using you

Sometimes the enemy whispers our failures or defeats to us to make us believe that we can't talk about God:

"Because of what you are going through, you are not a credible witness, no one will listen to you..."

The truth is that it is not your circumstances that make your testimony effective, but the Holy Spirit who convicts hearts and bears witness to the truth of God's word.

I invite you to read the story of the young slave girl who testified to the Syrian general Naaman to be healed of leprosy in 2 Kings chapter 5. This slave had everything to discredit her testimony, so that she would not be heard or believed. She was a child and she had to talk to a general. She was a little girl, a future adult woman who would have no value as an adult in the society at the time. As a slave, she was reduced to the status of an object. She was a captive of Israel, the enemy nation of the Syrians, defeated by the general Naaman. If her God was so powerful, why did he not protect her?

Perhaps your husband/spouse is unconverted, your loved one is ill, or you are ill yourself. These painful circumstances should not prevent you from declaring the power of God. You can pray for the sick while you are sick, you can announce salvation while your loved ones are not yet saved. Remember that when you pray for the person, you are not talking about your health or your holiness, but what Jesus accomplished at the cross.

I invite you to say this prayer:

Lord Jesus, I decide to fix my eyes on you and not on my own circumstances. You are the Almighty and you have not changed, you are the same yesterday, today and forever. I decide to be a witness to your strength even if my circumstances are painful. May my life serve for the glory of your name. In Jesus' name, amen.


Jesus accomplished everything at the cross, my prayers serve to bring what is available in heaven to earth.

God does not need your fame, but your obedience

The apostle Paul established churches, spread the Gospel throughout the Mediterranean and wrote 1/3 of the New Testament. This great apostle was in God's hands, he accomplished many miracles and testified about Jesus to the world's greatest at the time. Yet God did not choose one of the 11 apostles to reveal the Holy Spirit to him, nor even an elder or a deacon, but a simple disciple of Jesus, Ananias.

The third lie I want to discuss is the one that because of smallness, anonymity, or lack of title, you cannot serve God.

Have you ever thought, "Who am I to serve the Lord?”. If you are a friend of God, God knows you and your obedience is enough!

“But whoever loves God is known by God.” 1 Corinthians 8:3 

I invite you to read the conversion’s story of Saul of Tarsus in the book of Acts chapter 9. 

Observe specifically how God used a simple disciple named Ananias so that Saul regains his sight, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and baptized in water. The Bible does not mention anything about Ananias except that he prayed. God knew him and Jesus knew where to find him and how to talk to him. God knew his heart, he knew that he would obey him despite his fear of Saul, the persecutor of Christians who inspired fear to the children of God living in Damascus.

Celebrity does not impress God, the Lord uses the anonymous. He knows who he can count on, those who stand before him. God is looking for disposable people, He only needs your obedience, because it’s through his Spirit who acts in you. The fact that Ananias laid hands on Saul of Tarsus did not make Ananias a celebrity afterwards, he just did what his Lord asked of him.

I invite you to say this prayer:

Lord, here I am, I do not want to be known by men, but known by you. Here I am, available to serve you, use me, I’m saying yes.

I believe that your Spirit in me is sufficient and that I do not need a title or recognition to see your glory.

In Jesus' name, amen.


“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19)


I invite you to discover the books I have written by downloading excerpts from Listening to God, a practical guide to recognizing God's voice; 

Meeting with the Holy Spirit, an audiobook to discover the person of the Holy Spirit; 

21 Days of Listening to God, a meditation track to learn how to hear God's voice.

Visit my website: davidthery.com


May God bless you,

David Théry

Practical teachings to experience God

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👇Download a free excerpt from each of my books👇

🎁 Listening to God

🎁 21 days listening to God’s voice

🎁 Meeting with the Holy Spirit